Field Notes: A River Runs Through It


Mike Smith | OSI Executive Director

Next week is River Fest in Skowhegan, Maine. This annual festival is a celebration of recreation and life along the Kennebec River. If you haven’t had the pleasure of visiting Skowhegan you might not know that the Kennebec, one of Maine’s premier rivers, tumbles through an impressive gorge right in the middle of town. Our partners at Main St Skowhegan and Skowhegan Outdoors have been working tirelessly for years to make this waterway the beating heart of their community, pumping new life and new energy into the area.  This year’s River Fest stands to be an extra special event because just this week they were informed that they are receiving a $4.9 million dollar grant to support construction of the Skowhegan River Park.


We’ve had the pleasure of working with the team behind this effort in Skowhegan since 2018, and just before summer picked up its typical frenetic pace, we were able to catch up with Kristina Cannon, director of Main St Skowhegan, and the leading force behind the River Park, for a conversation about this project. As Kristina explained, she got drawn into the idea of enhancing access and experiences along the river because she believed it would be good for the area. The sport of whitewater paddling, however, made her fall in love with an even larger community. That passion has helped fuel an incredible journey both for her and the Skowhegan River Park.


We are thrilled to celebrate this milestone with Kristina, her team, and the community of Skowhegan. If you find yourself in the area next week, go check out River Fest and this amazing town nestled in the heart of Maine. A river runs through it, and big things are happening there.