Online Trail School
to Mar 26

Online Trail School

  • Google Calendar ICS

Create better trails.

Gain the knowledge that will turn the trails you dream of into a reality. Learn the fundamentals of amazing trail experiences that grow your community. Discover what it takes to create trails that will last and inspire more to be built. 

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Wilderness First Responder (Hybrid)
to Jun 6

Wilderness First Responder (Hybrid)

  • New England Outdoor Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The WFR course is the industry standard certification for guides and trip leaders.

The NOLS Hybrid Wilderness First Responder (HWFR) course is designed to provide you with the tools to make critical medical and evacuation decisions in remote locations. The online course and then classroom mini-lectures and demonstrations are combined with realistic scenarios where mock patients will challenge you to integrate your learning.

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Fundamentals in Handwork for Trail Crews & Crew Leaders
to May 22

Fundamentals in Handwork for Trail Crews & Crew Leaders

  • Peavey Brook Outdoor Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Use the right techniques in the right way for the right outcomes. Work smarter, be more efficient, effective, and safe in the field. Learn how to improve trail experiences that grow your community. Learn how to maintain trails that will last, and inspire more to be built.  Take your trail skills to the next level.

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FUNdamentals of Facilitation & Games
to Jun 20

FUNdamentals of Facilitation & Games

  • Millinocket Memorial Library (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Learn the FUNdamentals of Facilitation. Re-think the games you play, and get creative with new ideas.

Whether you’re on foot, on skis, on wheels, or on the water, games can be a powerful tool to help make the experience more positive and rewarding for your participants. Join us in this FUNdamentals of Facilitation workshop where participants will learn about facilitation frameworks, resources, and techniques that help create healthy environments to promote learning and growth.

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Trail School
to Jun 14

Trail School

This hands-on training will teach a wide variety of trail maintenance and construction skills.

Content will focus on trail crew members and volunteers doing hand work on a variety of shared-used non-motorized trails. Participants can earn the new Level 1 Trail Foundations Badge and Level 2 Trail Crew Basics Badge through the Katahdin Higher Education Center.

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OSI Community Roundtable - Fall 2021
7:00 PM19:00

OSI Community Roundtable - Fall 2021

Changing Seasons

What questions, challenges, or opportunities are you seeing in your community as the seasons change? Our next Community Roundtable is happening online Tuesday, Sept 21st @ 7 PM EST and we want you to join us!

OSI Community Roundtables are your chance to connect with others in our network on ideas, challenges, and possible solutions related to getting active outdoors in the place you call home. Got something specific you want to discuss? Let us know when you register for the discussion.

Roundtable discussions are open to any and all members of the OSI Community. If you’re already a member of the community look for the roundtable registration in your monthly email update.

If you’re not yet a member of the OSI Community join for free HERE.

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Community Paddlesports Leader Training
to Jul 21

Community Paddlesports Leader Training

  • Lake George Regional Park ME (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Learn how to make paddling more accessible in your community.

Help others discover the fun of paddling on flat water and moving water.

Learn skills and progressions you can share with others to get them started on the water.

Practice safety and rescue skills to build your confidence as an instructor and leader on the water.

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Spring OSI Community Roundtable
7:00 PM19:00

Spring OSI Community Roundtable

Preparing for the season ahead…

We’ve all experienced a TON of change in the last 12 months, and with the a new season and new possibilities ahead, we want to know what you have learned and what you need help with in the months to come.

This spring’s Community Roundtable is a call to action. Join us on Wednesday, April 21st @ 7PM EST to share your thoughts, learn from others’ experiences, and help us shape the content we share in the seasons to come!

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March OSI Community Roundtable
7:00 PM19:00

March OSI Community Roundtable

What challenges are you facing with outdoor sports in your community?

Our next Community Roundtable is on Tuesday, March 23rd @ 7PM EST, and we want you to join us!

OSI Community Roundtables are your chance to connect with others in our network on ideas, challenges, and possible solutions related to getting active outdoors that might apply to the place you call home.

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OSI Community Interview: Making Gear Accessible
7:00 PM19:00

OSI Community Interview: Making Gear Accessible

How do we remove expensive equipment as a barrier to getting outside?

Anyone who has thought about getting others outdoors in their community has likely run into the challenge of figuring out how to provide safe, functional equipment to those that don’t have it. Bikes, skis, kayaks, paddles, snowshoes, backpacks…all of this gear comes with a price, and it’s usually not cheap. And finding the funding to acquire gear is just one of many challenges. How do you store it? How do you maintain it? Replace it? Distribute it? In some cases the question even becomes how do you get people to use it?

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Free Webinar: Playing Great Games
6:00 PM18:00

Free Webinar: Playing Great Games

Re-think the games you play, and get creative with new ideas.

Whether you’re on foot, on skis, on wheels, or on the water, games can be a powerful tool to help make the experience more positive and rewarding for your participants. Join us in February as we host a new webinar with a master game player, exploring how we can more effectively use games in the outdoor sport experiences we lead.

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